Customize your VPS – Request an offer

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All our VPS plans include the following

Instant Setup

All VPS packages are automatically deployed. Our automated system will check your payment, and if everything is correct, it will start building your VPS (usually less than 5 minutes).

Virtualizor Panel

Virtualizor is the control panel we utilize for all of our servers. You can start, stop, reboot, and change the most common settings in your virtual private server.

Layer7 DDoS Protection

We use NSFOCUS hardware equipment to instantly detect when an attack occurs. Layer7 DDoS Protection means that we detect and mitigate even the most sophisticated attacks possible.

rDNS Panel

Our Reverse DNS panel lets you manage rDNS for both IPv4 and IPv6 when needed, without having to open a ticket. Check our FAQ page for details.

Available OS

For KVM Linux: CentOS, ClearOS, Debian, Fedora, FreeBSD, LinuxMint, Scientific, Ubuntu
For KVM Windows: XP, Window 2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server, Windows 7, Windows 10


TUN/TAP, PPP,L2TP and NAT are required for tunneling and routing. If you only plan on hosting a website you don’t need these features.

We Allow: VPNs, IRC Servers, Tor Nodes, Tunneling (GRE) and Torrents on any of our OpenVZ VPS hosting services. / all ports are opened

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