Port Scanning
IP Spoofing
Mass Mailing Spam
Bitcoin Mining
Card Servers
Public Streaming
Mass Brute Forcing
Any other IO Intensive Scripts
*** We reserve the right to suspend the VPS if theese requirements are not met.
Mass Mailing Spam
Bitcoin Mining
Card Servers
Public Streaming
Mass Brute Forcing
Any other IO Intensive Scripts
Yes, IRC servers, clients, and bouncers are allowed in all locations. All IRC actvities are restricted to private, non-commercial use in all locations. Any use of IRC that causes network attacks and/or service disruptions will not be tolerated.
Adult-oriented sites, pornography and sex related content are allowed on our VPS and Web Hosting accounts. Child pornography is strictly prohibited.
This includes, but is not limited to, brute force or dictionary attacks via FTP, SSH, or any other means of login; using this server as a launchpad to hack into another server, etc. This kind of activity is strictly forbidden.
*Note that due to the way OpenVZ kernel reports CPU usage, these numbers are not very reliable (it is normal to see erratic output from time to time).
Any violation of SPAM activities will result in account termination without refund. Newsletters are accepted, but if the IPs you receive gets blacklisted (Spamhaus, Barracuda, etc) it will result in account termination without refund.
Please do not create a Paypal dispute in order to get a refund, as this will only make the process longer and will create more work for both – customer and us. Furthermore, initiating a dispute will result in an immediate suspension of all services under your name until the dispute is resolved.
7-Day Money Back Guarantee: Within 7 days since we receive your first payment, we may offer a full refund if your hosting services are terminated instantly. The guarantee does not apply if a client violates the Terms of Service. If the client violates the Terms of Service, we do not offer refunds.
DDoS is an acronym for Distributed Denial of Service Attack. A type of denial of service attack in which an attacker uses malicious code installed on various computers to attack a single target. An attacker may use this method to have a greater effect on the target than is possible with a single attacking machine.
As a Hostmaze user, you are ultimately responsible for making sure that your account is secured, and that no root kits or viruses are on your server.
If your server at anytime engages in this activity, your account is in violation of this policy.
Passed in 2016, the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most significant legislative change in European data protection laws since the EU Data Protection Directive (Directive 95/46/EC), introduced in 1995. The GDPR, which becomes enforceable on May 25, 2018, seeks to strengthen the security and protection of personal data in the EU and serve as a single piece of legislation for all of the EU. It will replace the EU Data Protection Directive and all the local laws relating to it.
We support the GDPR and will ensure all Hostmaze services comply with its provisions by May 25, 2018. Not only is the GDPR an important step in protecting the fundamental right of privacy for European citizens, it also raises the bar for data protection, security and compliance in the industry.