Our Datacenter

Hostmaze Datacenter

About Voxility

  • Voxility provides Infrastructure-as-a-Service in the biggest Internet hubs in the world
  • We rent or sell hardware, network equipment, Internet access and security services to those who are interested to have a serious online business. We do this in the unquestionable most interconnected, best datacenters on the planet.
  • 1 Tbps+ Acclaimed DDoS Protection that works with almost any application
  • Used frequently to protect online games, DNS, TCP services, HTTPS and HTTP websites. Attackers will not be able to put your services down regardless of the type of attack. 9 scrubbing centers in 8 cities in US and EU right in the path of regular Internet traffic.
  • Global Internet Access (CN2 GIA) offers a premium China access between mainland China and counties outside China. It has a dedicated path and the lowest latency routes on CN2. It has dual-POPs in 161 cities and dual-PEs installed in 148 single-POP cities.

Anti-DDoS Tunnel for Networks

A BGP connection inside a GRE or L2TP tunnel established over public Internet. Traffic flows unfiltered unless an attack is automatically detected. A Network should establish a tunnel from each edge router.

Secure Uplink - Free Download IP transit

A BGP connection over a standard Ethernet uplink that has DDoS filters. Traffic flows unfiltered unless an attack is automatically detected. An ISP will use it as an additional uplink during DDoS .

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